Welcome to My Studio Page!
I am now accepting new students into my studio! I teach all levels of flute students, beginning to intermediate piano students, and Dalcroze-based musicianship, improvisation, and ear-training lessons (visit my Dalcroze page for more information) WHAT AGE? All ages are welcome! I have students as young as 4 (yes, 4!) through 94 (yes, 94!) and counting. For young pianists and flutists you will notice items in my studio that are designed to make it easier for students to manage large instruments. For the young flute students, I use flutes that have curved head-joints, which make them shorter. I have several available for rent, or you can find one at your local music store. For young pianists, we use a foot stool so they can feel their feet on the 'floor' & begin from a grounded place. I specialize in all ages and levels and like to find your best way of learning and meeting you there. You can read more about my teaching style below. ABOUT THE STUDIO & TEACHING STYLE: I will tailor your lessons to meet your musical goals. Drawing from my background as a trained Suzuki Flute Teacher, Dalcroze Eurhythmics Instructor and over ten years of private teaching experience, I am always looking for new and dynamic ways to illuminate the technical and musical aspects of flute and piano playing and musicianship. So, whether you are just starting out, striving to enter the professional world, or revisiting the flute for your personal enjoyment, I look forward to embarking on this new journey with you! I offer a free trial lesson for all new students. Please feel free to contact me to set up a lesson or with any questions you may have. WHAT TO EXPECT: